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Cookies Policy

At BeCric India, we understand how important it is for our customers to be aware of the cookies policy. We want to make sure that our customers have a safe and secure experience when using our website, so this page provides a comprehensive overview of what they need to know about our cookie policies.

Here you’ll find information on why and how we use cookies, as well as data security measures taken by us to protect your privacy while browsing the site.

So whether you’re a new or returning customer, keep reading to learn more about our cookie policy!


When you visit BeCric India, we use technology to collect information that helps us enhance your experience. Cookies are an important part of this technology.

We use cookies to remember who you are and track how our services are being used in order to deliver a better service for our customers. Cookies also help us understand which parts of our websites people have visited, so they can be improved based on user feedback.

They enable us to make the website more user friendly by ensuring navigation is smooth and functions correctly when users move between pages. Without cookies, many of these features would not function as intended and may cause difficulties with navigating the website.

We value your privacy and strive to ensure any data collected through the use of cookies is done so responsibly and correctly. In order to do so, it’s helpful to first understand what types of cookies we use….

Types Of Cookies

Let’s start by discussing session cookies – these are temporary cookies that are stored in the user’s computer for a short period of time. They’re deleted once the user closes their browser. Next, let’s talk about persistent cookies – these are stored on the user’s computer for a longer period of time, and they help websites remember user preferences and activity. Finally, we should consider third-party cookies – these are set by a different domain than the website the user is visiting, and they’re used to track user behavior across multiple sites.

Session Cookies

Session cookies are an integral part of the user experience, allowing websites to remember a customer’s preferences and actions from page to page. They act as temporary files that store information about the customer’s activity while they browse through the website.

This type of cookie allows users to move quickly between pages without having to re-enter data or select their preferred settings again. It also helps BeCric India provide customers with a better service, by showing them relevant content based on what they’ve already seen and interacted with on our site.

In sum, session cookies make it easier for customers to navigate around BeCric India and enjoy their online gaming experience seamlessly.

Persistent Cookies

Moving on, persistent cookies are another type of cookie that BeCric India uses. These cookies help us remember who customers are when they return to the site in order to provide them with a better user experience.

Persistent cookies are stored on users’ computers and remain there until they expire or are deleted by the customer themselves. This allows us to recognize our customers and their preferences so they don’t have to enter information multiple times over subsequent visits.

As such, this helps improve the website navigation process as well as makes it easier for customers to access relevant content quickly every time they visit.

Third-Party Cookies

Moving on to third-party cookies, these are the ones that are set by a website other than BeCric India itself. This could be from an ad provider or analytics service used by our site.

These allow us to gain insights into how customers use our platform so we can make improvements in the future. Third-party cookies also help us display ads more relevant to users and measure their effectiveness.

All of this helps create better experiences for Indian customers here at BeCric India.

How Cookies Are Used

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your computer, tablet or mobile device that can be used to improve the functionality and performance of websites. They allow us to remember your preferences, track user activity and personalise content for you.

We use cookies in order to:

Enhance security measures

Optimize site experience

Personalize content according to your interests

Analyze website usage

Improve our services and marketing efforts

By continuing to browse our sites, you agree to the placement of these cookies on your device. You can opt out by changing settings in your browser but this may affect how our sites function properly.

We take great care when it comes to protecting your privacy while using our services. All information is securely transmitted over an encrypted connection so that only authorized personnel have access.

This section has provided a detailed overview of how we use cookies at BeCric India.

Next up, let’s look into data collection and security practices employed here.

Data Collection And Security

At BeCric India, we are dedicated to protecting the data of our users. We have taken measures such as implementing advanced encryption and authentication protocols in order to make sure that all user information is kept secure. Our focus on maintaining a high level of security ensures that our customers’ personal information remains confidential and safe from unauthorized access.

We also employ strict internal guidelines regarding data collection and use. All employee-collected data is securely stored, only accessed when absolutely necessary, and regularly reviewed for accuracy and completeness by senior staff members.

Furthermore, any collected data can be deleted upon request at any time.

Our dedication to data protection means you can feel confident knowing your information is safe with us; transitioning into an understanding of how important consent and opting out options are when it comes to user privacy.

Consent And Opting Out

As the saying goes, data is like gold – and it’s essential to keep it safe. We understand this at BeCric India, which is why we take our data collection and security seriously.

With that in mind, let’s discuss consent and opting out.

We always strive to be transparent about what information we collect from our customers, as well as how we use their data for various purposes. To provide that transparency, we need your help: namely, by receiving your informed consent before collecting or using any of your personal information. This means you have the right to choose whether or not you want us to process your details through our services.

At BeCric India, we respect your privacy rights and will never share or sell any private information without explicit permission. If you ever change your mind on having us store or use certain pieces of info related to you, just get in touch with us directly and we’ll honor whatever decision you make regarding these matters.


From cookies to data collection and security, understanding the ins and outs of a website’s cookie policy is key. It can be a complex process, but it’s important that we get it right.

Think of your online privacy as a house – you want to make sure all the doors are locked so no unwanted intruders can enter. Taking control of your own digital footprint by thoroughly reading through cookie policies will ensure that your information remains safe.

At BeCric India, our goal is to provide customers with an enjoyable gaming experience without compromising their safety or security. We understand how important this is for our players and have taken steps to ensure protection from third-party trackers and malicious software.

Our comprehensive Cookies Policy outlines exactly what data we collect, how it’s used, and how customers can opt out if they choose. With these strong foundations in place, everyone at BeCric India can rest assured knowing their personal information is secure.